
Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 7: Free Spelling Games & Activities

It's been a while since my last blog but that doesn't mean I haven't been trying out ideas and recipes I've pinned on pinterest. No. Just that I have a lot of blogging to do to catch up (sigh).

I found this website on pinterest called, where you can type in your kids spelling words and they can play games to help them learn and retain the spelling words.  This is really great especially in a time where most states are going to the "common core" curriculum and they aren't "testing" kids anymore. My first grader is expected to learn the words through activities they do in class. So far it hasn't been a problem for him because he learns very quickly, but that leaves me to wonder how the kids that are struggling do.  I haven't used this website yet but my plan it to load all the words that he had this year into the site so he can practice them over Christmas break.   If we like the site, I'll continue each week once school starts back in January.

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