
Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 5: Mesh Pumpkin Wreath

Here in Florida its been raining since the first of July so what else to do but set up a play date and CRAFT, Right? I found this Mesh Pumpkin Wreath on Pinterest but you have to find the right picture/link to click on or you'll end up on somebody's Etsy shop.  People are selling these wreaths on Etsy for $55. Kristin and I made ours for about $20 (each) in supplies and we still have the floral wire and green ribbon left to use on other things.  We used the entire roll of mesh.  Here is a link for a blog with pretty good instructions on how to make this, Watch Me Daddy, and the website she got her instructions from,Mardi Gras Outlet . Through trial and error, we had to make a few adjustments. 

  1. The Mardi Gras Outlet used orange fuzzy looking pipe-cleaners (see picture below). Like the lady on the blog, we just used wire. Wire works fine but orange pipe cleaners would blend in with the mesh better...we had to make sure ours was covered really well to hide the wire. 
  2. It says to start with 10 pipe cleaners (or wire) on your metal wreath form.  So naturally I counted the metal bars going around my metal frame and bingo there was 10 so attached mine on those so they wouldn't slide.  Sounds like a good plan, right? WRONG!   As you are working to add your mesh, you might need to slide the wire over to fill a small gap.  Also because of having to slide my wires over I ended up adding a few more then 10 pieces of wire.  
  3. Bigger is not better [in this case]. I think my metal frame was bigger than the one they were using, which is probably why I used more than 10 pieces of wire.   I almost purchased the largest frame they sold at Hobby Lobby.  I am SO glad I didn't. Your finished pumpkin will look much bigger than the metal form. We bought the size below and used the entire roll of mesh.   


Our Finished Product!
After making these we are excited about our next craft project. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 4: New Dog Collar - MADE IN THE USA!!!

Pinned Image 
I pinned these dog collars a while back but TODAY I actually ordered one for my Bichon Frise, Lilly.  These collars are both engraved and made in the USA!  American made things are so hard to find these days and once I saw they were made in the USA, I said SOLD!  She needed a new ID tag anyway so this is perfect!!  I'll post a picture of her wearing it after I get it.  Here is the link if you want to order: